Apple ABT Checkers
Italian online checkers (English version available)
Braingames Checkers
A Java-based checkers game with drag-and-drop pieces.
Eco Draughts
Javascript checkers with characters for pieces.
It's Your Turn
Great online gaming site with checkers and lots of other games. Sign up for a free account, but get your parent's permission first.
Java Checkers
Java game where you can play by yourself or against the computer.
Microsoft GameZone Checkers
Choose social, competitive, rated, tournament, or ladder checkers. Terrific selection.
Mindspring Checkers
Register or login as a guest for multiplayer checkers. Click "online classics" to launch the Java window.
Playsite Checkers
Terrific applet. Sorry for linking to their cover page but you have to log in here first, as the entire site is a Java applet.
VOG Checkers Club
Checkers network for older kids - download client software, pick avatars, and play online with people around the world.
Yahoo Checkers
Sign up here for your Yahoo login and password, then proceed to the checkers area.