How to Make Cool Symbols

Here are instructions and demos for creating funky symbols.

Difficulty Level: hard      Time Required: 30 minutes

Here's How:
  1. Make sure your keyboard has a numeric keypad - you will need one to create these special characters.
  2. By holding down the "alt" button and pressing different combinations of numbers on your keypad, you can make cool symbols.
  3. Use Alt+132 to make ä
  4. Use Alt+140 to make î
  5. Use Alt+157 to make ¥
  6. Use Alt+164 to make ñ
  7. Use Alt+168 to make ¿
  8. Use Alt+225 to make ß
  9. Use Alt+21 to make §
  10. Use Alt+0135 to make ç
  11. There are many many more symbols you can create with the keypad - experiment!
  1. Make sure you hold down the Alt key the entire time you're pressing numbers on the keypad.
  2. If you get stuck and need help, ask!

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