How to Play Online Games By Yourself

Having trouble finding games that you can play alone? Get help here!

Difficulty Level: medium      Time Required: 30 minutes

Here's How:
  1. Open up your favorite Internet browser (which is probably open if you're reading this).
  2. Point your way to the URLs listed below.
  3. Alternatively, use a search engine to locate kid-friendly single-user games.
  4. When starting a game you intend to play alone, tell the game there is only one player... many games will assume there are two.
  5. Avoid the large gaming sites that require you to play with a random opponent.
  6. Choose options to play completely by yourself, versus playing against a computer.
  7. Ascii games are almost always single-player, as opposed to multi-player Java games, so go for those.
  1. If you like to play alone, don't go to sites that offer only multi-user gaming.
  2. Avoid Shockwave- and Flash-intense games, since one good crash will destroy your record.

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