Dino Games
Amorphous Cornbread
Make up dino stories with this cool game from Primordial Soup.

Build a Monster
Choose from different pictures to make your dinosaur of choice.

Club Theo: World of Words
Choose from word games, dino stories, and more fun games.

Club Theo: Dallas' Way to Play
Check out 4 new interactive games, including a sliding puzzle, numbers game, block game, and bike puzzle!

Dinosaur Dictionary
Pictures, descriptions, fun facts, and games for just about every dinosaur you can think of! Great site.

Dino Hunt
A for-sale game you can guy where you get to travel through time, visit the different eras where the dinosaurs lived, and try to capture them for a zoo.

Dinosaur Math Games
Terrific for first-graders. Choose from 20 game levels here.

Dinosaur Word Hunt
Recommended for second-graders. Pick from 10 different dino puzzles here.

Dinosaur Word Search
Can you find all the dino words hidden in the puzzle?

Explorations Through Time
Take a Tour Through Time and follow your dino buddies around.

Scrambled Dinosaurs
Make silly dinos with these different pictures.

Stegasaurus Scramble
Answer questions to unscramble the picture.

T-Rex Scramble
Another great, educational dino picture-puzzle.

Worm Libs
MadLib game about this modern-day dino relative. From yucky.com.