Pet games

Dateline: 07/06/98

You think you're hot this summer? Imagine how your fur-coated friend must be feeling! Summer is a great opportunity to spend quality time with your pets, and really get to be friends with them.

I've got 3 cats right now - a 5-year-old yellow tabby named Cleo, a 10-month-old black American Shorthair named Darius, and a 9-week-old grey tabby kitten called Agamemnon. Cats need a lot of love and attention, but if you're nice to them, they can sure be nice to you. What kind of pets do you have? Let me know!

This week we're going to check out some fun games having to do with pets. Be careful, though, you might learn something too!

American Veterinary Medical Association Kid's Korner
A division of the AVMA website, this kid's section is well-designed and has some great games for kids to play. Petpourri starts off with a fun image to color, and has links to lots of activities at the bottom of the sheet. There's more than 20 games and activities, all dealing with your pets and all fun! The National Pet Week Games section is also full of fun game links, including hidden word, Poetry Zoo and Animal Scramble. Younger children will enjoy these games as much as older kids. Parents can go through the Safety Tips section with younger readers to teach kids how to be safe and friendly around animals. Overall I think this site is absolutely terrific, and has tons of great games.

Planet Pet Games
Planet Pet is a cool site with lots of different kinds of information about pets. This link takes you to their Games Download section, where you can download games having to do with pets. These games you don't play online; rather, get your parent's permission so you can download and install them to your own computer. These games include Snake Byte, Sea School, Ant Hill, and others!

Chazhound's Free Animal Games
This site is a real treasure - it's totally full of fun games about animals. There are screensavers, wallpaper, and other fun pet stuff to decorate your computer. Also there's links to virtual pet games, the kind of pet that will "live" in your computer. plus pet puzzles! Scroll to the middle of the page to get started.

Virtual Pet Homepage
The home site for Giga virtual pets. I found this page a bit hard to read (yellow text on a green background) but once you get past that, they have a lot of information.

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